Another Successful Presentation – Balloon Animals!

Tonight’s meeting was a great success, thanks in large part to Tom’s Balloon Animals presentation/workshop.  Members and visitors were shown, and then guided through making a variety of plants, animals, and inanimate objects. Additionally, we had a number of visitors, and worked on projects including a Peltier-cooler proof of concept and a grinder stand. We

Another Successful Presentation – Balloon Animals! Read More »

Omaha Creative Week Spark Event – Tuesday September 4th, 7pm.

Just a reminder, the Omaha Maker Group’s regular meeting on Tuesday, September 4th is an Omaha Creative Week Spark Event. We have several presentations on the docket, including a summary of the Omaha Maker Group (and Making as a whole), as well as a hands-on presentation on manipulating your car’s onboard computer for diagnostics and

Omaha Creative Week Spark Event – Tuesday September 4th, 7pm. Read More »