
Gingerbread Teaser

While we’re waiting on the “good photos” from Garrick, enjoy these two less good photos I snapped of some our members’ handiwork.  As always, we had quite the turnout for this event, with several members bringing friends and family to play along. A special thanks to Sarah and Jeff for helping make it go off without […]

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“Gingerbread” “House” Event – 12/19/2017

Hey gang, it’s time again for OMG’s annual Gingerbread House event. Note that this event has no actual gingerbread (we use graham crackers) and few, if any, “houses” in the traditional sense. In the past, we’ve seen locomotives, hobbit holes and skyscrapers. This years’s event coincides with the regular meeting on December 19th. As usual,

“Gingerbread” “House” Event – 12/19/2017 Read More »