Tippy forge

Here are a couple of videos of the tippy forge I’ve been working on for the Omaha maker Group. At this point it just needs the frame to hold it and a handle to make it easy to tip. There is a little leakage from the input that we need to get sealed up,…

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OMG’s Patrick Pecoraro to present Contrast, a custom pinhole camera inspired exhibition

From Patrick’s website: “In order to assemble this series, I faced a specific problem: most pinhole cameras have only one shot. You expose film or paper and have to go back and develop it in the lab before loading the next shot. When there is more than one opportunity for a great photograph, the only

OMG’s Patrick Pecoraro to present Contrast, a custom pinhole camera inspired exhibition Read More »

Projects Abound!

Despite unseasonably nice weather, the members of OMG continue to work on their projects at the Makery or in their garages at breakneck speed. January is traditionally the perfect month for shunning the outdoors and basking in the glow of your computer monitor or, perhaps, the piercing UV glow of an arc welder.   Here’s

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