The Omaha Maker Group is hosting a Nerf* dart gun competition for distance , accuracy and aesthetic modification.
Sign up here! https://www.betterunite.com/OmahaMakerGroup-nerfgunmodificationcontest2020
When: January 14th, 2020 @ 7pm
Where: Omaha Maker Group – 8410 K St #5 Omaha, NE
Competitors will purchase and modify (in advance) a Nerf ‘N-Strike Mega BigShock Blaster‘ to maximize it’s distance, accuracy and/or aesthetic value.
The gun may be modified in any way, provided that it remains at least somewhat identifiable as an N-Strike, and does not use pre-compressed air (such as CO2 cartridges) or chemical power. Electric power is permitted, provided the voltages are within reason (We’ll call it 18v, to allow Ryobi One+ packs)
Ammo will be standard-unmodified Nerf “Mega” darts. For the contest each contestant will provide with their entry a minimum of two such darts in good condition (a new N-Strike comes with 2 darts), which will be pooled and used for the competition.
The modified weapon in ‘primed to fire’ condition must fit within a sized container 1 inch larger in each dimension than the stock gun. (I don’t have measurements handy, but this prevents crazy barrel extensions or extended cylinders, and I’ll add that detail when mine arrives)
Performance for the distance competition will be measured by a maximum range test. The gun may be held by the contestant or mounted in a vice, provided the muzzle does not extend beyond the firing line. Distance will be measured from the firing line.
Performance for the accuracy contest will be measured by “target shooting” of a concentric target at 5 meters. The gun may be held by the contestant or mounted in a vice, provided the muzzle does not extend beyond the firing line. Distance will be measured from the firing line.
The cosmetic competition will be judged by majority vote of your fellow participants.
There is no specific prize for winning any or all of the events, aside from bragging rights and maybe a certificate 🙂