
TacitTheremin: A spatial awareness tool for the blind.

What’s this strange thing?  This is the TacitTheremin, a device which helps blind people understand their surroundings using ultrasonic sound ranging.  Designed to work in tandem with a cane, this device allows users to get a greater sense of what’s around them at ranges that exceed a cane and in any direction in which its […]

TacitTheremin: A spatial awareness tool for the blind. Read More »

Acrylic Heater

The acrylic heater is nearing completion (design shameless copied from a hack-a-day post). I still need to make a few more tweaks to it before it’s ready for use. There’s a minute amount of water leaking around the barbs, but that’s easily fixed with some clamps. I’d also like to find something better than a

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