Hello again,
My apologies on not adding in the location information somewhere on the last post. Â The upcoming meeting will be at the Peter Kiewit Institute, which is on 1110 South 67th St. Omaha, NE, 68106. Â The room number is 279. the meeting time is at 7:00pm.
This is most likely our last meeting at the Peter Kiewit Institute.  The last meeting had a near unanimous vote to move into the Omar Bakery located at 40th and Nicholas.  The dissenting votes just didn’t feel comfortable voting due to how new they were to the group. Given that this makes our February very busy, I imagine it would be wise to have a MAJOR parts inventory (o-scopes, computers, monitors, soldering irons, chairs, tables, etc.) done to see what we all have and need for this space.  As adopted by the bylaws, the Omaha Maker Group is attempting to be a body that purchases a minimal amount of goods, meaning that if we need chairs, we would really like someone to donate those chairs so that we can worry about paying rent and utilities with peoples’ money.  A good place to post the items you have that you are willing to donate is on the mailing list.
Beyond that, we do not have a speaker lined up yet. Â If you have some exciting topic that your are dying to talk about, let me know and we will probably do a 30 minute talk. Â Good job everybody, we’re about three weeks from being “official”!