Last weekend Kansas City Union Station held a Maker Faire and members of Omaha Maker Group attended. If you’ve been at the Tuesday Night meetings for the past few months you may have noticed that we’ve been modifying and rebuilding our little electric cars in preparation for this weekend. We brought them down to join the other engineers, fun-gineers, pretengineers and artists who don’t know any better to participate in the Power Racing Series. In this tiny electric car racing series, people from around the country build and race vehicles that are modeled after the Power Wheels cars. As you will see in this video, most of the cars no longer resemble the kids toys and they travel much faster. Our group is fortunate to have some highly trained and talented individuals so our cars not only look great but go fast. We brought home some trophies but more importantly we got to know each other better throughout the whole process and we built relationships with other “Maker” groups. This video contains views of the building process and footage from one day of racing: Sprint Day. The next day was was the Moxie contest and Endurance Race and although we have no video record of those events, we’ll soon be publishing photos from that wet day!